Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Theme for your team?

The following is something I gave to our coaching staff when we were trying to come up with a Team Theme for the year; something that outlines the coaching staff's goal and vision for this season that we can consistently refer back to as a foundational message.

“Be the BEST we can be EVERYDAY”
One day at a time

I.               Be the absolute BEST we can be EVERYDAY!
a.     It’s a goal that is process driven as opposed to being result oriented.
b.     We can apply this goal today, tomorrow, and the next day.
c.      It can be applied in the classroom, weight-room, conditioning, practices, games,; absolutely anything.

II.             Make winning an attitude
a.     With a combination of practice and belief, the most ordinary team is capable of extraordinary things.
b.     “Attitude lies somewhere between emotion and logic. It’s that curious mix of optimism and determination that enables you to maintain a positive outlook and to continue plodding in the face of the most adverse circumstances. But while attitude is a state of mind, it is also based on a few hard certainties. There is nothing mysterious or illogical in the certainty that you are willing to work harder and longer than your opponent, even when you are behind in a game. That small piece of self-knowledge gives you something to hand on to. It’s how comebacks are born”. –P. Summit

III.           Success everyday
a.     "Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming." –J. Wooden

IV.            Finish
a.     The team must learn to finish in drills, both in practice and in conditioning, before they can consistently finish plays and games. The coaching staff will push the team to “finish”.

V.              Mental Toughness
a.     Mental toughness is one of the few traits that affects everything else on the basketball court

VI.            Communication
a.     We want to talk more, talk often, and talk loud.
b.     Listening is part of communication

VII.          Discipline yourself so no one else has to
a.     The real achievers are those who form positive work habits
b.     Make hard work your passion.

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