Friday, November 11, 2011

Quote of the Day:

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit". -Aristotle

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Quote of the Day:


"If you work for someone, in heavens name work for them: speak well of them and stand by the institution they represent. Remember, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. If you must growl, condemn and eternally find fault, resign your position and when you are on the outside, damn to your heart's content....but as long as you are a part of the institution do not condemn it- if you do, the first high wind that comes along will blow you away, and probably you will never know why." -Elbert Hubbard

Communication: Do they know what to say?

A thought occurred to me last night after watching a great, high energy practice: we preach communication, and there was a lot of 'talk' during our practice, but do the kids know what to say?

For example, when moving from one drill to the next, there was a lot of “Let’s Go” or “Keep it up ladies”. That’s talk....and talk is better than silence...but is an even better communication something like “Here we go- fly drill- run wide ladies” or “ADVANTAGE basketball, let’s get lay-ups. Remember to v-cut” or “34 seconds, get it the first time, TOUCH THE PAINT!”?

That type of “pro-active” communication probably comes easier with natural leaders on the floor, but think of how effective communication between drills can set-up a higher awareness and inter-player accountability for the drills. 

If they don't know what to say, teach them what you want them to say.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quote of the Day:

"When you can't be on time, be early" -Unknown

10 Proven Teaching Methods for Coaches (Part 2 of 2)

 from Winning Hoops March/April 207

6. Effective Motivation
Find something positive to say ti every athlete at every practice. This satisfies the athlete's need for attention, recognition and appreciation. Be specific with your praise- specific praise is used to reinforce the "WHY" of pracitce. Always attempt to find more positives than negatives while constantly praising effort.

7. The Hoopla of Success
 When an athlete or team finally masters a skill or concept, don't hesitate to stop practice momentarily to recognize the achievment. Praise their effort and remind your players why master of the skill is so critical.

8. Model What You Preach
Most coaches talk to players about certain values and characteristics they hope to see in them. Coaches really are the best positive role models for these values. When stressing good sportsmanship, coach with honor, respect for the game, officials, etc. When stress tenacity, never give up on yourself with your athletes. And, when stressing organization, conduct practices that are structured. Players look to you for guidance, so don't say one thing and do the opposite.

9. Encourage Cross-Over Sports (for high school)
Coaches who are overzealous sometimes encourage their athletes to play only basketball on a year-round basis. This possibly leads to overuse injuries and burnout. Participating in other sports improves the way your athletes play basketball. The movements and skills required for many sports are similar. Consider the footwork necessary for soccer and basketball are almost identical.

10. Summary
Productive coaching is highly dependent on the coach's ability to teach basketball. Teaching isn't just blowing a whistle, barking out orders and heading home after a couple of hours. Being a good teacher takes time, effort, practice, patience and a passion to make a difference in the lives of your players.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Quote of the Day:

"Remember this your lifetime through, 
tomorrow there will be more to do,
and failure waits for all who stay
with some success made yesterday,
tomorrow you must try once more,
and even harder
than before."

-John Wooden

10 Proven Teaching Methods for Coaches (Part 1 of 2)

"Productive coaches spend 75% of their time teaching the sport to their players and the other 25% of the time coaching."

1. Understand Your Passion For Basketball...First.
Before jumping into coaching, coaches first must understand their passion for the game. Having a high level of passion for basketball tremendously influences your energy, creativity and ability to motivate players. Passion is contagious. If one player, one assistant coach or you come to practice excited and fired up, that emotion and passion easily is passed onto every other member of the team.

2. Setting The Stage For Teaching.
Prior to the first practice, meet with your athletes and explain your role as a coach and teacher of basketball. Let them know your purpose is to help improve their athletic skills. Impress upon them that you care about them as people and that you are concerned about their lives even beyond athletics. Feeling cared about makes a player more coachable- effort and concentration increase. If you care enough about them, they'll walk through walls for you. Part of you caring is to work through players' mistakes. Tell them mistakes are part of the learning process and the only true mistakes are ones of lack of effort or concentration- both of which are easily corrected.

3. The Importance Of "WHY"!
Don't assume players know why you are asking them to practice a certain technique or to perform a skill drill. Explain how everything has a positive effect on their ability to play. Be as detailed as possible.

4. Fundamentals First, Then Complex.
Know the fundamentals of the sport you teach. This enables you to design practice for your players' appropriate skill level. It also becomes easier to assist an athlete who cannot perform a certain skill. After grasping the fundamentals, players move on to practice drills focusing on more than one skill at a time. Don't expect to each complex basketball skills to players that have not mastered the basics. 

5. Use The WHOLE-PART-WHOLE Method.
In anything you do- offense, defense, showing film or diagramming plays- this method is priceless. It is often necessary to teach skills in parts or steps. Once again, in-depth knowledge of fundamentals gives you an advantage. Teaching a skill in part keeps the player motivated because he or she is forming a mental checklist for performing the skill correctly (educators refer to this as "task-analysis"). Moving from one step to the next puts the focus on process and progress, which allows you to praise the player for grasping a skill and working with the player in areas that need more practice. A good barometer to know if a player is mastering a certain skill is to see if that player is teaching the skill to another teammate.