Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Four Laws of Learning Applied to Basketball

The Four Laws of Learning Applied to Basketball

-Shaquala Williams

Skill Development is a never-ending commitment to filling the gap between what a basketball player is and has the potential to be. Skill development is a learning process for players; and since good coaches are teachers first, understanding the most effective ways to teach is a great way to get the most out of players and good professional development tool.

Edward Thorndike, a Psychologist who specialized in the learning process and how to learn best in educational settings developed the “Laws of Learning.” These laws are fundamental principles of the learning process, proven to make learning more effective. Four of the “Laws of Learning,” have great parallels to coaching and highly useful for a better understanding of the most effective ways to coach players.

1. The Law of Exercise = Quality Repetition
Practice does not make perfect, but meaningful practice and repetition lead to development and improvement. Meaningful practice means players have greater focus on proper technique, acceptance of feedback and desire to correct any errors or weaknesses. Quality repetitions help athletes retain information longer, so skills eventually becomes second nature.
Focus on the quality of repetitions, not quantity

2. Law of Readiness = Engagement and Investment
Just because a player is present, does not mean they are engaged. Individuals learn best when they are physically and mentally prepared to learn. Engaged players find value and purpose in what they are doing, which keeps them motivated. Engagement made me think of a video from Alabama Head Football Coach Nick Saban, who compared investing time vs. spending time. When players are engaged, they are invested in their improvement.
Ask players drills they like or skills they would like to improve. This creates ownership and increased ownership creates greater engagement and investment.

3. Law of Primacy = Create Good Habits the First Time
Doing something the wrong way, creates bad habits. Players retain the first thing they learn more readily, so teach it right the first time. Focus on details and correct technique. Early in workouts players should be kept at a pace that allows emphasis on technique. Increase speed as skills are mastered because doing something full speed incorrectly, does not develop good habits or improvement.
Detail – Master the details
Speed – Perform full speed with correct technique
Contest – Perform vs. game like conditions

4. Law of Intensity = GS3
The Law of Intensity states higher intensity material is more likely to be retained. A clear, vivid learning experience teaches more than the same boring routine or experience. Make workouts visually game like by using cones, garbage’s cans or chairs. Push players out of their comfort zone to grow; choose goals just beyond their present abilities and make workouts game like.
Game Shots
Game Spots
Game Speed

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