Monday, May 7, 2012

Marsha Sharp: What do you want your legacy to be?

First and foremost...We are the CARETAKERS of this game!

What do you want your legacy to be?
-Begin with the end in mind.
-Your legacy is a whole lot of day to day choices that add up over time. IT STARTS TODAY!
-Your legacy impacts your ability to operate in this sport.
-Todays kids do not understand how todays choice impacts their future. Help them! Social media houses them in a glass house- your choices/behaviors are universally known.
-There are no shortcuts to integrity- allow behaviors to be true to your core beliefs.

TRUST. It's more powerful than love. If you love someone but can't trust them....? If you hear your partner across the room engaged in a positively emotional conversations do you feel jealousy or excitement/trust for their enjoyment?
-Trust is 50% competence and 50% character. You need responsibility and experience of all sorts in this profession to be trusted that you know what you're talking about. Character is simply an accumulation of every day choices.
-Ask your players-- what's the most important thing to build as a team? (Trust). How do we do that? (silence). It involves directional work with the people above, below and next to us. Trust is honest communication....I care enough about you to step out of my comfort zone and speak honestly for the benefit of the greater good. Have the courage to have a hard conversation.
-The most important thing to do....more than video, scouting, to sit 1 on 1 with your players. Think about what is needed on a daily basis to improve your relationships with people as we move forward.

Yes, we do HAVE to win, but it can't be all about winning or else you'll be on an emotional rollercoaster. We need something to love everyday that's bigger than the score. Great champions of our game use winning as a platform (Pat Summitt, Kay Yow).
-"If you win without integrity, you lose"
-Do not put yourself in a position to win at all costs
-The trophies are all about memories
-"Be part of something bigger than yourself.
-Find opportunities for causes in something you're passionate about that's bigger than yourself
-Respect our game and give back

What's the best way to build trust...1 on 1 meetings with players is critical! It is a proven fact that WBB players distrust their coaches more than any other sport.

Regarding men in women's who have spent their entire life devoted to WBB and paid their dues deserve to be in WBB! However, if you jump ship from MBB than, no, disagree. Also make sure there is balance on staff- male HC needs to hire female assistants!

Best way to prepare: learn from as many people as you can. Do the dirty jobs if needed. Go to clinics, read and watch good basketball/leadership. Learn about climbing the ladder from those who did (books!). Accumulate life experiences and pay your dues.

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