Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Schedule Your Priorities: The 80/20 Rule

In April 2011, I led a presentation at the WBCA National Convention/Final Four in Indianapolis, IN for the Director of Basketball Operation's Roundtable.

The focus of my presentation was the 80/20 Rule (also known as the Pareto Principle)...essentially, how to effectively maximize results through efficient work habitsHere is a link where you can download the PowerPoint in a PDF format and here are a couple of key points from my presentation:

*There's no such thing as time management; it's all about self-management!

*Organize and execute around priorities...The way you spend your time is a result of the way you see
your time and your priorities (Schedule your priorities; don't prioritize your schedule).

*The Pareto Principle states that 20% of your efforts lead to 80% of your results.
     -In business, 20% of products usually account for 80% of profits 
     -At home, 20% of your clothes get worn 80% of the time
     -In college athletics, 20% of the sports get 80% of the funding
     -On the court, 20% of your offenses will get used 80% of the time

*We have been conditioned to think that high ambition must go with thrusting hyperactivity, long hours, ruthlessness, the sacrifice both of self and others to the cause, and extreme busyness. In short, the rat race.
A much more attractive combination is that of extreme ambition with confidence, relaxation, and a civilized manner. Think of Newton sitting under a tree with an apple....
We have more than enough time! Achievement is driven by insight and selective action.

Here is a link where you can download the PowerPoint in a PDF format.

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